
I'm a web development enthusiast with a particular knack for design, currently working through my ATA in Web & Cloud Development. I enjoy the creative process of making websites look good and function well, using CSS and JavaScript to bring designs to life.

Through my studies, I've dived deep into JavaScript with a class project that really opened my eyes to the power of the language. This experience led me to work on an e-commerce frontend mockup site on my own time to sharpen my skills. While I've also been introduced to frameworks like React and Angular, my current focus is on getting a strong handle on JavaScript before branching out further.

The exciting part of web development for me is the diversity of projects I get to work on; I'm not tied to any one industry. I love learning new things and applying them to different kinds of websites. To stay on top of new developments, I regularly follow developers and read articles to solve problems and discover new tech insights.

Outside of my coursework, I've enjoyed making small games and website projects to practice my skills. My latest projects include a Wordguess game and an Ecommerce site frontend.

As I look to the future, I'm excited to join a team where I can contribute, learn, and grow. If you're looking for someone who's passionate about web design and development and loves to learn and create, let's get in touch!

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